Bug and issues fixing in mobile application

Issues (bugs) is a result of unfinished task in method or function in applications code. I am sure you know what is application crashes. One thing bug in third party application, but other thing is bug in your application.

If your developer is unavailable or is not able to solve this bug you can hire me to solve it.

I am experienced developer for iOS and Android. I have focused in development for mobile devices since 2010. My first commerce application was developed in 1996.

In my work I define these kinds of errors:
1. Application doesn’t fit requirements defined in specification – most popular and not critical. As usual developer and tester have misunderstood requirements or have missed page in document. As usual are easy to find at first look to screen or first use of application. Examples: empty field, incorrect value in the field, some checks are missed: if Internet connection is available or if user typed in incorrect value.
2. App flow is incorrect according to specification. This kind of issue can be found only after particular actions or conditions. The source of this issue is incorrect internal application's structure and errors in protocols of interactions with user or/and with external services. Example: sync procedure called for all data, but should be called only for new data or updated data; data exchange called in main thread, not in background; all sync procedure called at once without queue.
3. Errors in third party libraries. Some developers are too lazy to create custom class for developed application. So they use third party libraries. As usual 80% of “features” of third party libraries are available in native controls for target operation system (iOS or Android). They get more fast in development but get a lot of problems in the future. The main problems of third party libraries are: memory leaks due incorrect structure for integration into application; some libraries are trapped due lack of needed resources due to missed checks for them. As result some libraries are updated every week but still doesn’t have stable version.
4. Memory leaks. As usual these kinds of errors are typical for newbie or middle level developers. The main reason for raise of this error in application is incorrect “release” of used object. In general application works but sometimes it unexpected crashes or traps. Sometimes these errors are raised by third party library.
5. New version of operation system has new methods, some methods are deprecated, some methods are changed. So application works incorrect at device with latest OS version: buttons are not working, the next screen can’t be shown, some elements are jammed, etc.
6. Application crashes due to missed procedure to catch exception. The most popular reason is that developer doesn’t check impossible value and tester was not tested application as it needed.
7. “Tails” of old code which are not supported in actual versions of operating systems due to deprecated methods. It is typical for iOS of version 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 and Android for versions up to 2.3, version 2.3.*, version 3.* for tablets, version 4.* +
These “tails” are too hard isolate in application methods. The best solution for this kind of bug is refactor the code.
8. Changing API and / or data formats of services for data exchange.

To provide estimates for bug fix I need:
1. Last version of application and it’s sources.
2. Detailed description how can I get this bug. You are welcome to make small video for YouTube.
3. Access to developers account for iOS application.

Cost for one bug diagnostic is 50 USD.

!!! Important: estimates are provided only for mentioned bugs. Sometimes one bug hides other bug, example: screen 2 is not shown. After bug was fixed discovered incorrect information at screen 2. Data for screen 2 was provided by internal database.
In this example described 2 bugs:
bug 1 (for diagnostic): screen 2 doesn’t shows
bug 2 (hidden, was found after fixing of bug 1): incorrect data in database for the screen 2.

Case solutions for bug fixing:
1. Bug is fixed by full refactoring of code according to guides of operating system.
2. Bug is fixed by adding missed methods and / or parameters, only some methods are refactored.
3. Error in third party library: update of third party library to latest version or replacing “features” provided by third party library to native elements for OS.

Now I use recommendations only for these target versions of OS:
for iOS – version 8.1
for Android  - version 4.0 +

Result of bug diagnostic:
suggestion(s) of solving bug and estimates for cost of fixing and timeframe.

upfront payment 50% of cost, the other part of payment after bug is fixed.

Result of fixing:
trying to raise application crash like provided bug description – bug is not raised.

Access to fixed version is provided by tools of Developers account for iOS application and .apk file for testing for Android application.

Also I can provide video for YouTube of testing.

You can contact me by email vovan4u@ukr.net or Skype: peredovik.propagandi