Specification for mobile application defines the requirements to mobile application and it’s functions. As usual with specification prototype application is created synchronously. This approach allows to get “zero version” of application to see which interface controls can be used and define hierarchy of screens. Prototype is “skeleton” of future application.
In other words:
1. Specification increases chances for client to get needed application.
2. Prototype shows "carcass" of future application so client can imagine future application and change it if it is needed.
In specification should be provided screens mockup, interface sketches, hierarchy of screens, description of API used for webservices.
Structure of specification:
1. User story – short description of application and its functionality: for what tasks this application is and how it solves them.
2. Structure of application. Sequence of screens, path for user in application.
3. Mockups of screens with description of interaction with user, description for every control element and its reaction for interaction with user.
Application for each operating system (iOS and Android) should have separate version of specification due to difference of them.
After requirements for screens are defined prototype for these screens can be created. At prototyped screens should be checked:
if all interface elements are fit to screen
if control effects are possible
if screen hierarchy can be implemented
If you need I can provide samples of specifications and samples of specifications created by me.
Now days most popular tool for screens mockups creating is Balsamiq.com
Experienced user can create screens and link them for interaction.
If you need specification I can create it for you. Just let me know. You can write me an email vovan4u@ukr.net
Creating specification with prototype
If you have created user story, screens hierarchy, screens mockups I have to check them to possibilities(features) of operating system of target devices.
If you have specification:
review of specification 10 USD for one page (1 page = 1000 symbols including spaces)
result: question for details, recommendations for some improvements of application according to target OS version.
If you have no any specification:
You have to provide user story.
Creating mockups at Balsamiq.com at your account =20 USD per each screen
Description of each screen = 20 USD per each page (1 page = 1000 symbols including spaces), page can include images from balsamiq.com
editing after clients review = 5 USD per each page (1 page = 1000 symbols including spaces)
Prototyping of application:
Developing of “carcass” of application according to specification. At prototyping stage are checked:
if some features can be implemented and how it can be done
if all control elements can be places at the screen
if some application’s logic can be implemented
Average price of every prototype screen is 50 USD.
Created prototype is a “skeleton” for future application. At next stages only new features are added to prototype.
Very often specification and prototype are creating at once: after screens are defined at balsamiq.com and defined functionality of that screens it is possible to create prototype of this step.
For additional information please contact me:
e-mail: vovan4u@ukr.net or by Skype peredovik.propagandi
In other words:
1. Specification increases chances for client to get needed application.
2. Prototype shows "carcass" of future application so client can imagine future application and change it if it is needed.
In specification should be provided screens mockup, interface sketches, hierarchy of screens, description of API used for webservices.
Structure of specification:
1. User story – short description of application and its functionality: for what tasks this application is and how it solves them.
2. Structure of application. Sequence of screens, path for user in application.
3. Mockups of screens with description of interaction with user, description for every control element and its reaction for interaction with user.
Application for each operating system (iOS and Android) should have separate version of specification due to difference of them.
After requirements for screens are defined prototype for these screens can be created. At prototyped screens should be checked:
if all interface elements are fit to screen
if control effects are possible
if screen hierarchy can be implemented
If you need I can provide samples of specifications and samples of specifications created by me.
Now days most popular tool for screens mockups creating is Balsamiq.com
Experienced user can create screens and link them for interaction.
If you need specification I can create it for you. Just let me know. You can write me an email vovan4u@ukr.net
Creating specification with prototype
If you have created user story, screens hierarchy, screens mockups I have to check them to possibilities(features) of operating system of target devices.
If you have specification:
review of specification 10 USD for one page (1 page = 1000 symbols including spaces)
result: question for details, recommendations for some improvements of application according to target OS version.
If you have no any specification:
You have to provide user story.
Creating mockups at Balsamiq.com at your account =20 USD per each screen
Description of each screen = 20 USD per each page (1 page = 1000 symbols including spaces), page can include images from balsamiq.com
editing after clients review = 5 USD per each page (1 page = 1000 symbols including spaces)
Prototyping of application:
Developing of “carcass” of application according to specification. At prototyping stage are checked:
if some features can be implemented and how it can be done
if all control elements can be places at the screen
if some application’s logic can be implemented
Average price of every prototype screen is 50 USD.
Created prototype is a “skeleton” for future application. At next stages only new features are added to prototype.
Very often specification and prototype are creating at once: after screens are defined at balsamiq.com and defined functionality of that screens it is possible to create prototype of this step.
For additional information please contact me:
e-mail: vovan4u@ukr.net or by Skype peredovik.propagandi